
Home Forums Members Chat 3 things to do at the end of every run

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      Here are some tips for the end of every run so get the most out of your training. Enjoy.


      If it was an easy run, did it feel easy? If it was a fast run, did your form stay good throughout? Was everything as you expected? If not, you might need to adjust the plan for your next session. Sticking to your plan does not always give the best results. Listen to your body!

      2. WARM DOWN

      If it was an easy run, you might not need to do a warm down, at least nothing more than a bit of walking to check everything is OK when you change motion.
      If it was a fast / tough run, then do a bit of easy running and some controlled dynamic movements to check all is good. You can expect a bit of tightness if you went for it! This will go away on its own during recovery. But if anything is unusually sore / painful, then take a few more days off to be safe.


      When you are tired after a run, it’s easy to just slump into the sofa.
      Remember to rehydrate.
      If you haven’t eaten for a few hours or if it will be a few hours till your next meal, consider a snack if the run was tiring. Glycogen replacement carbs.
      If the run was really long, then consider extra sleep – go to bed early, avoid alcohol.

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